Note that this page is from our archive during the time when the club was called Gresley FC. It may not be related to the old Gresley Rovers.
Rob Spencer Update
Rob Spencer
Rob had a four-hour operation today to have two plates inserted into the right side of his jaw. He has also had to have two teeth removed to help realign his jaw.
The fracture on the left side is high up near to where the bottom jaw joins the top jaw. This has had to be wired and will require Rob visiting the hospital every week or fortnight to ensure the jaw realigns correctly as it heals.Hopefully, he should be discharged from hospital tomorrow.
Rob is absolutely devastated by the injury and has been told he could be out for around three months.
Martin Rowe said that in the opinion of the management team Rob has improved tremendously this season and his loss to the team will be felt hugely. "It's like the injury has happened to a member of the family and everyone in the squad is devastated for Rob."