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Note that this page is from our Gresley Rovers archive. It may not be related to the new Gresley Rovers (formerly Gresley FC until 2020).
Story posted: Monday, 4th August 2008

American University Enjoy South Derbyshire Welcome
Representatives of Truman State University and Gresley Rovers exchange mementos following the match at the Moat Ground

Representatives of Truman State University and Gresley Rovers exchange mementos following the match at the Moat Ground

A 'Festival of Football' held over the weekend (2nd & 3rd August 2008) at Gresley Rovers' Moat Ground has been well received by players and spectators.
On the first day teams representing Gresley Rovers, Gloucester City and a club from Greenhill in Sheffield took part in a three team tournament. On the second day a team from Truman State University took on Gresley's Youth Side. The University team won six-nil, but for the Gresley lads the day was about the chance to play American opposition.

Overseeing the football side of things from a Gresley point of view was Steve Thorpe who is responsible for the youth set up at Gresley Rovers and now is joint manager of the youth team. The Chairman of Gresley Rovers, Mark Harrison, said, "It's great to see the hard work that our junior team and youth team managers and coaches have been doing and if anybody out there thinks the Americans can't play football they are much mistaken".

"Although the result went against us it gave our youth players an opportunity they might otherwise not have got and it brought us into contact with a USA University side and hopefully we can follow up similar opportunities in the future."

Gerry Cox was responsible for the team representing Truman State University and he commented, "The welcome and hospitality we received in South Derbyshire was well received and the club made a very positive impression on me. We're excited by Gresley's plans for the future and we'd be delighted to visit again if the opportunity arises when we organise a tour like this."
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Skegness Town
Sat, 5th Apr 2025, 3.00pm (Home)
Sleaford Town
Sat, 12th Apr 2025, 3.00pm (Away)
Eastwood CFC
Sat, 19th Apr 2025, 3.00pm (Home)
Ashby Ivanhoe
Mon, 21st Apr 2025, 3.00pm (Away)
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