Note that this page is from our Gresley Rovers archive. It may not be related to the new Gresley Rovers (formerly Gresley FC until 2020).
David Wilson Homes

David Wilson Homes
Gresley Rovers are pleased to announce that David Wilson Gresley Rovers are pleased to announce that David Wilson Homes have agreed an extension to their existing sponsorship deal with the Club by agreeing an additional 3 year arrangement.
Chairman Mark Evans commenting on the partnership said: "David Wilson Homes have provided valued support to the Club over the last few years and I am delighted that they have agreed to extend their relationship."We are very fortunate to have as partners, companies like David Wilson Homes and Ashfield Healthcare that have great experience of success, and we want to share their experience as winners as we move the club forwards. David Wilson Homes have an established reputation and an uncompromising pursuit of excellence and an attitude which demands that deliver their very best at all stages - this is the sort of experience we can learn from."