Note that this page is from our Gresley Rovers archive. It may not be related to the new Gresley Rovers (formerly Gresley FC until 2020).
It's all icing on the cake for Gresley

Elvis Gresley with Rose Gutteridge
Gresley Rovers supporter Rose Gutteridge has been busy preparing early for Christmas this year and has made a special 'Gresley Rovers Christmas Cake' to raffle to help raise funds for the Club.
Club Mascot Elvis Gresley called in on Rose at home as she put the finishing touches to the cake.Rose will be selling raffle tickets from within the social club at home matches in the lead up to Christmas, ready for a special draw just before the big day.
Chairman Mark Evans congratulated Rose on a superb looking cake "it's great when people take time out help raise money for the Club, Rose regularly attends both home and away matches and is always at other events the Club holds - with regard to this cake, not only is the Club going to benefit but the winner is going to get a lovely home baked Christmas cake."